07 June 2006

... the day after ... a day of discernment

is still reality, and the only thing that truly exists.

yesterday is a memory ... tomorrow is only a promise.

so, on 7 june 2k6, what is your lesson?

7 + 6 + 2006 = 2019 ... wow ... if yesterday was a 2, today is a 3 (see how easy this is?)

and, once again, if you are born on this day, this is the life lesson cycle you will experience for the rest of your life ... it is the way you have been given life's puzzle to solve. because you have a basic lesson of 3, a lesson of manifesting it is important to remember: one cannot truly manifest unless completion occurs. for a life born on this day (or any other combination that equals 2019), knowing what to let go, and what to keep to build on is the key to success. once completion happens, one cannot manifest until one determines to (1) let go or (2) keep and build from there.

today a day for manifestation. is the wave of day's lesson in life 2-0-1-9-1-0-2, etc.

step one: if something gets dropped on you today, receive it as a blessing (even if its a phone call from your mother).

step two: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.

step three: make a choice or decision and do it ... you know what you are supposed to do.

step four: let it go. you are finished. look at what is before you and pick up only that which you want to continue with; everything else -- file it, shred it, store it, trash it, lose it, close it, leave it.

step five: make another choice or decision, its time to take the next step.

step six: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.

step seven:: receive everything and assimilate it into your life as a blessing, even if its a hard lesson.

repeat steps 2 through 7 ...


today, is a day of discernment, to make choices based on what is good and what is not.

you know what serves your life.

you know what doesn't.

make a decision now

then the choice is

waiting only for


peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


Neil Warner said...

Thank for you comment on my Positive Conflicts Blog.
I'm just starting to see that there are no coincidences in this life. Any event is there to deliver a message to us, but most of the time we are just not listening. :-)
As for the Let it go step, you strike one big point there.
Thanks, Now I'm listening

jitpunkia said...

there is truly no coincidence in life . only incidents after ur choices has been made

Bob said...

I like the way you break things down into easy steps. I need to do this more myself instead of feeling so over-awed by problems.

elaine x said...

thanks for the great comments!

these past two entries are focused on the life lesson. there are the 9 basic life lessons, but the how to steps come from the cycle of your basic life lesson. knowing where you are in the cycles of life help you understand better the context of your circumstances and allows the assimiliation of the experiences to propel you further and faster in your life lesson. since the lesson of the last millenia was on individualization, i use a combination of several philosophies to use the most specific numbers for the individual as possible.

once you understand or learn your lesson at the present level of consciousness, you are propelled higher for a deeper lesson at the next level.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'