05 January 2007

Pluto Rx ... playing with the galactic center

Pluto Rx ... what do you want to transform in your life?

well, pluto is not retrograde ... yet. but we are in the retrograde window (which commenced on 12 dec 2k7) of experience which pluto will be revisiting later this spring. so, what can you do to maximize the use of this time ... here are some ideas and suggestions:

1. pluto is in sagittarius so be adventurous in your thinking, ideas and possibilities for the future. pluto wants to help you create "the perfect life" ... getting rid of the things you don't want and expanding into areas that are piqued by your curiosity and passions. now is the time to 'dip the toes' in the new waters and see how it feels, check the temperature and wade in slowly or perhaps just dive on into your new life. whatever your style, now is the time to get into the water.

if you ever wanted a whole new life, this is the time to try it on for size. sometimes the grass is greener and sometimes it is not. but you will never know unless you jump the fence, and take a bite out of what you think you want.

2. pluto's retrograde focus is the galactic center. what that means for you and me may be totally different. the significance of pluto's conjunction (or alignment) with the galactic center is that pluto, as the 'outpost sentry' to our solar system (or as that is represented in astrological terms, the individual), will align itself with the next largest 'system' in our universe: our galaxy.

this process provides an opportunity to identify and bring into alignment those parts of the individual that are uniquely designed to perfect the really big picture. whether you are trying to be a part of something larger than yourself or merely find yourself in a vast universe, this alignment can help excavate that context.

as each individual is a holographic image of the entire universe, the alignment of the individual with the galaxy can help define those unique qualities, drives, ideas and talents that the universe needs you to express to bring harmony and expand the consciousness within your life, your community, your planet, your solar system and out into your galaxy.

3. what you experience between now and 31 mar 2k7, will be revisited, reflected back to you, and you will be afforded the opportunity to "look behind the bushes" as you back your way through your experiences from 12 dec 2k6 through 31 mar 2k7.

they say, 'hind sight is 20-20', well going forward with a conscious eye that you will receive the opportunity to review what you are experiencing these 4 months, can help you live in the moment, pay closer attention, detail your experience so that when you are given the 20-20 view of hind sight, you can use it to your full advantage.

4. beginning 7 sep 2k7, pluto will go over this experience once again. this is the time you truly get to flush out what part of the grass is truly greener and what was better on the other side of the fence, and re-design the fence to encompass the desired greenness of your life.

this is the time for some soul searching, choice making, objective evaluation as to what constitutes the "greenest grass" in your life. likely, the greenest grass will consist of some of what your 'old' life represents, and some of what your 'new' life represents. keep the baby, your favorite toys and games, find the adult that most closely mirrors the baby and throw out everything that doesn't fit into your life anymore: bad, harmful or self-denying habits, expectations and judgments of others, things that do not bring you joy, etc.

5. by 27 dec 2k7, your life as you have redefined it will begin anew.

ironically or not, 2007 is a "9" year in numerological terms ... a year of transformation (more on that in the next entry). pluto, the planet of transformation providing us an opportunity of conscious transformation in alignment with the greatest context we have been able to consciously experience in our life time.

until next time ...

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'