something i'm involved in
in the tradition of so many faiths and beliefs, past dissidents and people of peace, i join in this fast for the laying down of arms, the withdrawal of our troops worldwide and the dismantling and destruction of all weapons of war, and for the peace that can only bring freedom in a world where governments do not need weapons to maintain order.
thank you for your support and prayers for a more peaceful world.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
A play on the phrase "voodoo economics" coined by G.H.W. Bush back in the 1980's, the "business voodoo" blog is where I publish my symbol-related musings and other thoughts relating to both individual and collective human structures of vibration, time and space.
30 June 2006
29 June 2006
seed of life
26 June 2006
superficiality and circumstances
everything that happens around you is 'circumstances'
superficiality comes from a preoccupation with 'circumstances'
'circumstances' are the creation of your life
so, if the circumstances are not what you want
and your life is only about
disconnect from your 'life'
step away from the box
and only look to yourself for the answers
of what you created
you are really never a victim
except to that of your
own thoughts
or actions
try it ... it may help you out of the life you are not enjoying very much anyway.
if you don't want to, why are you still complaining? be happy.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
superficiality comes from a preoccupation with 'circumstances'
'circumstances' are the creation of your life
so, if the circumstances are not what you want
and your life is only about
worrying about events
wondering about people
dealing with circumstances
disconnect from your 'life'
step away from the box
and only look to yourself for the answers
of what you created
you are really never a victim
except to that of your
own thoughts
or actions
try it ... it may help you out of the life you are not enjoying very much anyway.
if you don't want to, why are you still complaining? be happy.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
19 June 2006
let the $ circulate ...
how to make the $$$s circulate ... more importantly, how to make them circulate to you.
do you put a fountain near the cash register?
do you send out your invoices?
do you do a money dance?
all of the above? good.
yes, perhaps putting a water feature in the money area of your home or business will bring in the money, but more it is the attention to money that will circulate the money.
money cannot come to you if you have not asked for it. it seems kind of simple, doesn't it, that in order to be paid, you have to ask to be paid. whether it is for more money for what you do or what you have expanded yourself to do (e.g., ask for the raise) or if it is as basic as sending out invoices to your customers for them to send you their checks. they want to pay you for the work you've done. it makes them feel good about you working for them. they want to pay you, so give them the opportunity to pay you ... send out those invoices today!
money cannot come to you if you are not ready to receive it. do you know how you want to receive your money? do you know what you need it for? do you know what you are going to do with it once you have it? have you finished your budget? do you know what kind of economic system you want to participate?
money cannot come to you if you hoard it. have you paid your bills? have you opened your bills? are you having fun with your money? are you having too much fun with your money?
money issues ... there are so many business voodoo tools to help you understand money, but, in truth, there is only one thing you need to remember: be money conscious.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
do you put a fountain near the cash register?
do you send out your invoices?
do you do a money dance?
all of the above? good.
yes, perhaps putting a water feature in the money area of your home or business will bring in the money, but more it is the attention to money that will circulate the money.
money cannot come to you if you have not asked for it. it seems kind of simple, doesn't it, that in order to be paid, you have to ask to be paid. whether it is for more money for what you do or what you have expanded yourself to do (e.g., ask for the raise) or if it is as basic as sending out invoices to your customers for them to send you their checks. they want to pay you for the work you've done. it makes them feel good about you working for them. they want to pay you, so give them the opportunity to pay you ... send out those invoices today!
money cannot come to you if you are not ready to receive it. do you know how you want to receive your money? do you know what you need it for? do you know what you are going to do with it once you have it? have you finished your budget? do you know what kind of economic system you want to participate?
money cannot come to you if you hoard it. have you paid your bills? have you opened your bills? are you having fun with your money? are you having too much fun with your money?
money issues ... there are so many business voodoo tools to help you understand money, but, in truth, there is only one thing you need to remember: be money conscious.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
09 June 2006
the raccoon ... reversed
today's meditation for bringing money into the home ...
'raccoon ... protector of the underdog,
provider for those who have none.
do you wear the bandit's mask
to hide the good deeds that you've done?
teach me to turn away from
rich rewards or worldy acclaim,
knowing that my generosity allows
my warrior spirit to be reclaimed."
-- taken from the medicine cards, by jamie sams & david carson
the card was reversed, or upside down, which indicates something is not right.
more than once this week this issue has arisen. people feeling guilty or bad because they had to say "no" to someone who was asking for more than you wanted to or were willing to give.
one of the greatest deceptions of our time is the "it is better to given than to receive."
it is not 'better' to give than receive ... it is good to give and receive in equality. then you have balance. you feel good about yourself, you feel good about others.
creating boundaries when you have been giving for so long often involves an inner struggle of self worth. sure, there is as much energy off balance in the 'taking' department as there is the 'giving' department, but, i think the number of people who inappropiately given too much is greater than those who would just take and take and take. those who are truly just takers are few and far between, and most people have some modicum of self-worth and will establish a boundary and send the vampire away.
so, be kind to yourself. say 'no'. send the vampires of your life searching for some new blood, while you regenerate your own. give only when you want to give and not when you are guilted, tricked or bambooselled into giving. employer can be the most notorius vampires. your home life and your job are equal, and give to them equally and you will have greater success. being the company door mat or 'go to guy' will, in the long run, effectively render you powerless to achieve your own goals and aspirations.
it is just as good to receive as it is to give.
live in the balance you want to see.
the life is your's to create.
saying 'no' helps you
and them to see
the value you
believe in
is 'i am'.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
'raccoon ... protector of the underdog,
provider for those who have none.
do you wear the bandit's mask
to hide the good deeds that you've done?
teach me to turn away from
rich rewards or worldy acclaim,
knowing that my generosity allows
my warrior spirit to be reclaimed."
-- taken from the medicine cards, by jamie sams & david carson
the card was reversed, or upside down, which indicates something is not right.
more than once this week this issue has arisen. people feeling guilty or bad because they had to say "no" to someone who was asking for more than you wanted to or were willing to give.
one of the greatest deceptions of our time is the "it is better to given than to receive."
it is not 'better' to give than receive ... it is good to give and receive in equality. then you have balance. you feel good about yourself, you feel good about others.
creating boundaries when you have been giving for so long often involves an inner struggle of self worth. sure, there is as much energy off balance in the 'taking' department as there is the 'giving' department, but, i think the number of people who inappropiately given too much is greater than those who would just take and take and take. those who are truly just takers are few and far between, and most people have some modicum of self-worth and will establish a boundary and send the vampire away.
so, be kind to yourself. say 'no'. send the vampires of your life searching for some new blood, while you regenerate your own. give only when you want to give and not when you are guilted, tricked or bambooselled into giving. employer can be the most notorius vampires. your home life and your job are equal, and give to them equally and you will have greater success. being the company door mat or 'go to guy' will, in the long run, effectively render you powerless to achieve your own goals and aspirations.
it is just as good to receive as it is to give.
live in the balance you want to see.
the life is your's to create.
saying 'no' helps you
and them to see
the value you
believe in
is 'i am'.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
07 June 2006
... the day after ... a day of discernment
is still reality, and the only thing that truly exists.
yesterday is a memory ... tomorrow is only a promise.
so, on 7 june 2k6, what is your lesson?
7 + 6 + 2006 = 2019 ... wow ... if yesterday was a 2, today is a 3 (see how easy this is?)
and, once again, if you are born on this day, this is the life lesson cycle you will experience for the rest of your life ... it is the way you have been given life's puzzle to solve. because you have a basic lesson of 3, a lesson of manifesting it is important to remember: one cannot truly manifest unless completion occurs. for a life born on this day (or any other combination that equals 2019), knowing what to let go, and what to keep to build on is the key to success. once completion happens, one cannot manifest until one determines to (1) let go or (2) keep and build from there.
today a day for manifestation. is the wave of day's lesson in life 2-0-1-9-1-0-2, etc.
step one: if something gets dropped on you today, receive it as a blessing (even if its a phone call from your mother).
step two: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step three: make a choice or decision and do it ... you know what you are supposed to do.
step four: let it go. you are finished. look at what is before you and pick up only that which you want to continue with; everything else -- file it, shred it, store it, trash it, lose it, close it, leave it.
step five: make another choice or decision, its time to take the next step.
step six: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step seven:: receive everything and assimilate it into your life as a blessing, even if its a hard lesson.
repeat steps 2 through 7 ...
today, is a day of discernment, to make choices based on what is good and what is not.
you know what serves your life.
you know what doesn't.
make a decision now
then the choice is
waiting only for
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
yesterday is a memory ... tomorrow is only a promise.
so, on 7 june 2k6, what is your lesson?
7 + 6 + 2006 = 2019 ... wow ... if yesterday was a 2, today is a 3 (see how easy this is?)
and, once again, if you are born on this day, this is the life lesson cycle you will experience for the rest of your life ... it is the way you have been given life's puzzle to solve. because you have a basic lesson of 3, a lesson of manifesting it is important to remember: one cannot truly manifest unless completion occurs. for a life born on this day (or any other combination that equals 2019), knowing what to let go, and what to keep to build on is the key to success. once completion happens, one cannot manifest until one determines to (1) let go or (2) keep and build from there.
today a day for manifestation. is the wave of day's lesson in life 2-0-1-9-1-0-2, etc.
step one: if something gets dropped on you today, receive it as a blessing (even if its a phone call from your mother).
step two: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step three: make a choice or decision and do it ... you know what you are supposed to do.
step four: let it go. you are finished. look at what is before you and pick up only that which you want to continue with; everything else -- file it, shred it, store it, trash it, lose it, close it, leave it.
step five: make another choice or decision, its time to take the next step.
step six: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step seven:: receive everything and assimilate it into your life as a blessing, even if its a hard lesson.
repeat steps 2 through 7 ...
today, is a day of discernment, to make choices based on what is good and what is not.
you know what serves your life.
you know what doesn't.
make a decision now
then the choice is
waiting only for
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
06 June 2006
06/06/06 ... are u ready?
today is a special day ... its the only reality that exists.
technically, the day is a 2 vibration ... method no. 1: 6+6+2006=2018=11:2
method no. 2: 6+6+(2+0+0+6)=6+6+8=20:2
if you know the tarot, your references would be the high priestess (2), strength (11) and judgment (20). you will note, i use the non-traditional position of strength versus justice as 11, as i use the mother peace tarot and find that resonates more accurately with the numeric vibration.
so ... lesson of the day, 2018 ... 2 harkens to the feminine, receptivity, yin, assimilation. 0, the wonderful 0 of the divine. 1, the beginning, a spark, the expression of 'i am.' 8, the power and the responsibility that comes with it. so as energy flows in cycles, the life lesson does as well ... in sine waves going from 2-0-1-8-1-0-2-0-1-8-1-0-2, etc. this is the class of life for the day ... receive and assimilate all that is going on around you; give god space, make your choice, receive all blessings or consequences and assume your responsibility in what you receive, make your choice, let god have space, receive and assimilate the exerience.
step one: if something gets dropped on you today, receive it as a blessing (even if its disguised as a pink slip).
step two: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step three: make a choice or decision and do it ... you know what you are supposed to do.
step four: see the consequences or the results of your choice and let them be a guide to teach you about your choices. assume the responsibility that you have created everything you experience, and assume the power to change anything you want.
step five: make another choice or decision, its time to take the next step.
step six: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step seven:: receive everything and assimilate it into your life as a blessing, even if its a hard lesson.
repeat steps 2 through 7 ...
if you were born on this day, or any other day that adds together to the number of 2018, that is the cycle of your life lesson. the lesson is one of harmony of the duality through receiving. the master lesson number of the 11, is a difficult and powerful one in that if you do not like to make choices or decisions, life will be constantly throwing you things that will frustrate or overwhelm you. but, if you can make decisions and receive the blessings resulting from your determination of your life, you can use this lesson to achieve great things and create a life of harmony.
so, what a wonderful day to be alive!
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
technically, the day is a 2 vibration ... method no. 1: 6+6+2006=2018=11:2
method no. 2: 6+6+(2+0+0+6)=6+6+8=20:2
if you know the tarot, your references would be the high priestess (2), strength (11) and judgment (20). you will note, i use the non-traditional position of strength versus justice as 11, as i use the mother peace tarot and find that resonates more accurately with the numeric vibration.
so ... lesson of the day, 2018 ... 2 harkens to the feminine, receptivity, yin, assimilation. 0, the wonderful 0 of the divine. 1, the beginning, a spark, the expression of 'i am.' 8, the power and the responsibility that comes with it. so as energy flows in cycles, the life lesson does as well ... in sine waves going from 2-0-1-8-1-0-2-0-1-8-1-0-2, etc. this is the class of life for the day ... receive and assimilate all that is going on around you; give god space, make your choice, receive all blessings or consequences and assume your responsibility in what you receive, make your choice, let god have space, receive and assimilate the exerience.
step one: if something gets dropped on you today, receive it as a blessing (even if its disguised as a pink slip).
step two: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step three: make a choice or decision and do it ... you know what you are supposed to do.
step four: see the consequences or the results of your choice and let them be a guide to teach you about your choices. assume the responsibility that you have created everything you experience, and assume the power to change anything you want.
step five: make another choice or decision, its time to take the next step.
step six: breathe, allow that which you cannot control happen without any worry or need to control.
step seven:: receive everything and assimilate it into your life as a blessing, even if its a hard lesson.
repeat steps 2 through 7 ...
if you were born on this day, or any other day that adds together to the number of 2018, that is the cycle of your life lesson. the lesson is one of harmony of the duality through receiving. the master lesson number of the 11, is a difficult and powerful one in that if you do not like to make choices or decisions, life will be constantly throwing you things that will frustrate or overwhelm you. but, if you can make decisions and receive the blessings resulting from your determination of your life, you can use this lesson to achieve great things and create a life of harmony.
so, what a wonderful day to be alive!
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
03 June 2006
... moving forward ...
after your life is derailed
right yourself ... get help if you can't get up by yourself
put yourself back on track ... get help if you can't get on by yourself
check all the systems ...
check the fuel level ...
check the map ...
restart the engines ... ask for a push start if necessary
begin moving again ... ask for someone to go along with you if you want company
get back up to speed ...
continue the journey
with great purpose
with new focus
with wisdom
with love
with joy
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
right yourself ... get help if you can't get up by yourself
put yourself back on track ... get help if you can't get on by yourself
check all the systems ...
check the fuel level ...
check the map ...
restart the engines ... ask for a push start if necessary
begin moving again ... ask for someone to go along with you if you want company
get back up to speed ...
continue the journey
with great purpose
with new focus
with wisdom
with love
with joy
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
01 June 2006
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